This time of year shelters are overrun with spring litters. Spring is also a great time to adopt a new furry friend. The weather is getting warmer, the snow is gone and you can finally get outside to enjoy time with a pet or do some outdoor training without worrying about the cold winter winds. Especially if you’re a first time pet parent, there are a few things you need to do before bringing your new pet home.
Aimee Gilbreath is the Executive Director of the Michelson Found Animals Foundation. I spoke with her this week about the things that we need to know about adopting a new companion animal. In this podcast she shares her advice on what to think about before you decide to adopt, tips on pet proofing your home, and how to make the transition as easy for you, your family and your new pet as possible.
Aimee also discussed a recent survey performed by the Michelson Found Animals Foundation. They questioned 1,000 people about their belief in love at first sight. You may be wondering what this has to do with shelter animals. Well, you might be surprised to find out that the results showed most people believed in love at first sight with shelter pets, but did not agree that this phenomenon was possible with romantic partners!