Dealing with dogs that have aggression issues can be nerve wracking and even dangerous for owners. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could end up making the problems worse. To begin, you must figure out what is triggering the aggression and work toward solving the problem, but there's a lot more to it, so hence this podcast episode.
Jereme Paddock is a dog training working in Arizona who specializes in helping dogs that have been deemed aggressive. He works with all types of canines at his facility – Paddock’s Paws Pet Care & Training. Today he is answering my questions about aggressive dogs and what owners can do to help pets struggling with these issues.
From the signs to watch out for to choosing the right dog trainer to help you, Jereme has all the information that you’ll need to decide whether or not you can care for a dog with aggressive tendencies. He’ll also discuss some of the most common types of aggression in canines and what you can do to help reduce the chances of an aggressive outburst.